tar examples
Task: List the contents of a tar file Use the following command: $ tar -tvf file.tar Task: List the contents of a tar.gz file Use the following command: $ tar...
Ho creato questo script come descritto nel titolo “watch e sync” per osservare una determinata cartella e sincronizzarla tramite rsync su un’altro server.
Nello specifico l’ho scritto per sincronizzare la document root di un server in load balance sulla piattaforma AWS cloud!!!
#!/bin/bash SOURCE="full_SOURCE_path" SLAVE1="remote_IP_or_FQDN" SLAVE2="remote_IP_or_FQDN" SLAVES="$SLAVE1 $SLAVE2" for PID in $(pgrep watcher) do if [ $PID -ne $$ ] then echo "Killing old watcher with pid $PID" kill $PID fi done for PID in $(pgrep inotifywait) do echo "Killing old inotifywait with pid $PID" kill $PID done for SLAVE in $SLAVES do echo "Initial syncronization of ${SOURCE} to ${SLAVE}" rsync -av --del --exclude 'uploads/*' ${SOURCE}/ ${SLAVE}:${SOURCE}/ done echo "Start watching on ${SOURCE}" inotifywait -mr --timefmt "%d/%m/%y@%H:%M:%S" --format '%T %e %w %f' --exclude "full_path_to_exclude" \ -e create -e modify -e move -e delete \ $SOURCE | while read TIME EVENT DIR FILENAME do echo "$TIME: sync $DIR because of $EVENT $FILENAME" for SLAVE in $SLAVES do echo "to: ${SLAVE} aaa ${DIR}" rsync -av --del --exclude 'full_path_to_exclude/*' ${DIR} ${SLAVE}:${DIR} done done
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