This article provides information about the installation and basic configuration of Apache Tomcat on RHEL and its clones. Installation Checking the Status of Tomcat Configuration Files Enabling HTML Management Access Deploying Applications Related articles. Linux HTTP and FTP Server Configuration (RHCSA) Linux HTTP Server Configuration (RHCE) Apache : Reverse Proxy Configuration Apache Tomcat 7 Installation […]
How to auto start services on boot in Centos / Redhat?
To autostart services in Centos or Redhat OS, you can use builtin chkconfig utility. It is located in /sbin directory. If you are a regular user (non-root), then /sbin may not be in your path. Therefore, you may have to use the full path to access the chkconfig utility. To auto start a new service: Find out […]
Install tcpdump on clearOS 6
Tcpdump is a very nice tool to monitor network activity. Unfortunately isn’t present in clearfundation repository. to install tcpdump on clearsOS 6 follow this: This page has been readed 1349 times
wordpress trova e sostituisci
Ecco alcune query che ci possono aiutare durante la migrazione di worpress. In questo modo possiamo trovare tutti i link all’interno di post, pagine, immagini ed aggiornarli con il nuovo domino. Abbiamo bisogno di accedere al database SQL, per farlo comunemente i provider mettono a disposizione il phpmyadmin. Prima di eseguire ogni operazione è opportuno […]
Uccidere processo per nome
Esistono diversi modi per uccidere un processo per nome se lo conosci.Ecco un paio di modi differenti per fare questo. Abbiamo intenzione di assumere che il processo che stiamo cercando di uccidere si chiama irssi These techniques can be useful in shell scripts, where you wouldn’t know the process ID and would […]
Kill Process by Name
There are a number of ways to kill a process if you know the name of the process. Here’s a couple different ways you can accomplish this. We are going to assume that the process we are trying to kill is named irssi These techniques can be useful in shell scripts, where you […]
wordpress find and replace
Recently we’ve helped a few of our clients move wordpress installations between domain names. This is a fairly easy process except that links that were made inside of posts, such as links to other posts, pages and images hosted on the site are likely to break. Also, if you change permalinks around a lot or […]
watch e sync
Ho creato questo script come descritto nel titolo “watch e sync” per osservare una determinata cartella e sincronizzarla tramite rsync su un’altro server. Nello specifico l’ho scritto per sincronizzare la document root di un server in load balance sulla piattaforma AWS cloud!!! This page has been readed 407 times
watcher and sync
I made this script so as the tile describe “watcher and sync” to watch a certain folder ans sync it to another server through rsync. I made it to sync the document root of a web server in load balance in AWS cloud!!! This page has been readed 550 times
Password email in parallel plesk
Sei un sistemista? Un cliente non riesce ad utilizzare la webmail e devi assisterò? Se parallel plesk è impostato per scrivere le password in plain text con questa query MYSQL query puoi trovarla. ATTENZIONE: use this command only if you have really no other choice!!! Fonte: This page has been readed 4916 times